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Learn the Swear words! 


Сука блядь


Suka blyad'

Fucking bitch! / Goddammit!

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In colloquial Russian, "Сука блядь" is a highly vulgar and offensive expression. It combines two strong expletives which can both be used independently in different contexts. However, It is common to hear a Russian say them together in moments of extreme frustration, anger, or disbelief. It is very similar to yelling “Fucking bitch” or “Goddammit” in English. Literal Translation: Bitch whore




Dumb fuck / Fucking Idiot

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A derogatory term in Russia, used to insult someone by implying that they are stupid or incompetent. Similar to calling someone a “dumb fuck” or “fucking idiot” in English. Literal Translation: Hammer fucker




Piece of shit / Bullshit

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A colloquial term often used in informal or vulgar contexts to describe something of low quality, nonsense, or something that's worthless. It can also convey a sense of frustration, disappointment, or disbelief when said. It’s similar to describing an object as a “piece of shit” or a situation as “bullshit” in English. Literal Translation: Junk / Garbage

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Bullshiter / Full of shit

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A vulgar slang term that literally refers to a vagina being in pain. However, that is far from its colloquial use. It is used to call someone a liar or untruthful. Similar to calling someone a “bullshiter” or someone who is ‘full of shit”. Literal Translation: Pussy pain




Suck-up / Dick rider

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A colloquial term used to describe someone who tries excessively to integrate themselves with someone else. Or someone who tries desperately to please or earn the approval of someone in authority. Similar to calling someone a “suck-up” or “dick rider” in English. Literal Translation: Suction




To beat the shit out of

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An offensive and vulgar term used to express hitting or striking something or someone forcefully. The reason why it is considered offensive is because of its violent connotation as it is usually applied to a physical fight. It’s similar to saying “to beat the shit out of” or “to smack the fuck out of”. Literal Translation: To strike




Head ache / Head rush

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An informal and profane way of referring to bodily pain or a recreational high. For example if someone says "У меня такая голова ебашит (U menya takaya golova ebashit)” it means "I have such a headache". But if they say "Это курение ебашит (Eto kureniye ebashit)” it means "This high is hitting hard." Literal Translation: Hits





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A slang term used to refer to the male genitalia, similar to saying “dick” in English. Similar to the word “dick” in English it can also be used to describe a man who is considered not nice or impolite. Literal Translation: Penis




Cunt / Fuck / Shit

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A slang term used to refer to the female genitalia, similar to saying “pussy” in English. However, when used as an insult it can offensively describe a woman who is considered not nice or impolite. It may also be used to express anger or frustration in general similar to saying “fuck” or “shit” in English. Literal Translation: Pussy / Cunt




Fucking awesome

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A vulgar yet colloquial way of expressing extreme excitement or enthusiasm about your current well being. If someone asks you “Как вы (how are you)” and you are in a really good mood. You can respond with “заебись” or “всё заебись” to say something along the lines of “everything is fucking amazing”. Literal Translation: Fucking awesome




I don’t give a shit

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A vulgar term in Russia used to express indifference, lack of concern, or disregard for something or someone. Similar to saying “I don’t give a fuck” or “I don’t give a shit” in English. Literal Translation: To fuck about




Fuck off

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A vulgar and offensive way to tell someone to leave your vicinity. It is commonly used when someone is annoying or disrupting you. Similar to saying “fuck off” or “get the fuck outa here” in English. Literal Translation: To fuck about




To fuck up / To lose

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A vulgar expression that can be translated into “to fuck up something”. It is commonly used when you have failed at something, lost a game, or lost a physical object. For example “я проебал игру (ya proyebal igru)” which means “I fucked up the game”. Or you can say “я проебал носки(ya proyebal noski)” which roughly translates into “I lost my socks” in English. Literal Translation: To fuck up

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Learn the STREET Slang! 

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Wow / Holy / God damn

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Another vulgar expression to express surprise, disbelief, or impressment. It can be used in both negative or positive situations but it is usually used when something impresses you or blows you away. Similar to saying “wow,” “holy fuck,” or “god damn” in English. Literal Translation: To dick




House Party

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A slang term that literally means to “sign up” for something. However, it is used to refer to an informal social event where drinking and partying is a common occurrence. More specifically it is slang for a “house party”. Literal Translation: Registration




Top notch / This is fire

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A colloquial slang used to describe anything you admire, enjoy, or find as excellent, awesome, or exceptional. In colloquial usage it’s similar to describing something as “this is fire” or “it’s top-notch”. Literal Translation: Top

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To get pissed off

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A colloquial term used to describe the act of becoming angered, annoyed, irritated, or upset about something. It is usually used when someone is getting mad with another person. For example if you were to say “Не агрись на меня (Ne agris' na menya)” they would be implying “don’t get mad at me”. Literal Translation: To get angered




Fit / Clothes

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A slang term that refers to clothing. It can be used to refer to a singular piece of clothing or the entire outfit. For example if someone said “у тебя крутой шмот” they would be complimenting you saying “I like your fit”. Literal Translation: gear

сасный / сасная


sasnyy / sasnaya

Hottie / Baddie

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A colloquial slang term used to describe someone or is very attractive. “сасный” is used to describe men while “сасная” is used for women. It’s similar to describing someone as a “hottie” or “baddie” in English. It is usually used to describe that person to someone and not said straight to someone’s face which would betaken as really bold. Literal Translation: Sucky one




Same / Fax

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A colloquial term used to express relatability to something that is funny, annoying, enjoyable, or brutally true. Similar to saying “relatable,” “same,” or “facts” in English to express that you have similar feelings, opinions, or have had similar experiences. Literal Translation: Life




To understand / To get

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A colloquial term that can be translated into “to understand” or “to get”. It is used to refer to having above average knowledge about a specific subject rather than just knowing a little. It is used commonly as a casual way of asking someone if they are knowledgeable about something. For example: “Ты шаришь в этой теме?” which would translate to “do you understand this topic?” Literal Translation: To ball





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A colloquial term used to describe something eerie, creepy, weird, or suspicious. It can refer to a person, situation, place, or thing that gives an unsettling or uncomfortable feeling. Similar to describing something as “sketch” or “giving me the creeps”in English. Literal Translation: Cryptic




A joke

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A colloquial term short for “ржать от смеха в голос (laugh out loud)”. This slang term is used to refer to a joke or a gag. For example if someone were to say “Это просто рофл” they would essentially be saying ‘it’s just a joke”. Literal Translation: A laugh




Hammered / Fucked up

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A vulgar swear word which is used as a slang term to refer to getting drunk or high. It can either refer to the use of alcohol or recreational drugs and can be roughly translated into “to get fucked up” or “to get hammered” in English. For example “ты наебашился (ty nayebashilsya)” would mean “you got fucked up”. Literal Translation: Completely fucking oneself

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